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Pages are the main building blocks of your Zuby.js app. Each page is represented by a file in the ./pages directory of your Zuby.js app with the .jsx or .tsx extension.

Each pages needs to export a default component function that will be rendered by the JsxProvider. The pages are built for both client and server by default, so make sure to use only the browser-compatible packages and imports in your page components.

Here’s the example of a simple page:

export default function IndexPage() {
return (
<h1>Hello world!</h1>

Page context

The PageContext is an object that is passed to the page component as context prop. It contain many useful properties that can be used to customize the page component. Please see the API reference for all available properties. Here are some examples:

Retrieving path and params

export default function Products({ context }) {
const { id } = context.params;
const path = context.url.pathname;
return (
<h1>Product id: {id}</h1>
<p>Path: {path}</p>

Setting page title

export default function About({ context }) {
context.title = 'About us';
return (
<h1>About us</h1>
<p>We are a small company that makes websites.</p>

Page props

The page props are the props that will be passed to the page component. The props are later used to hydrate the pre-rendered pages on the client. The props can be passed to the page component from the handlers using the PageContext object which is passed to page component as context prop.
The handlers are completely separate from the pages, so you can use static imports and other Node.js features in them.


export default function Handler({ context }) {
context.props = {
product: {
title: 'Book about books',
description: 'Learn more about books',
price: 10.99
export default function Products({ product, context }) {
const { id } = context.params;
const { title, description, price } = product;
return (

See Handlers page for more information about handlers.


The following special files are available for templating. All of them are optional and Zuby.js will use the default template if they are not present in the ./pages directory. The project can have multiple templates for different routes and Zuby.js will always try to use the closest template to the page component that matches the same route.

Templates and pages composition looks like this: Pages composition


The app.jsx file is used to define the main App component of your Zuby.js app. This the highest-level component in the client-side navigation that can store the state on the client and server. You should use this component to define the global styles and state providers.

Zuby.js even allows you to have multiple app.jsx files for different routes, however this is not recommended, and it will force to re-render the whole app on each route change.

Every app component must render the children prop to render the page component.


export default function App({ children }) {
return (
<h1>My Zuby.js app</h1>


The error.jsx file is used to customize the error page component on 404, 500 and other errors that are not handled by the page components. This component will receive the status code and error message as props. The app can have multiple error templates for different routes.


export default function Error({
}) {
return (


The loader.jsx file is used to define the loading component that will be shown between the page transitions on the client when the page is not yet loaded. The app can have multiple loader templates for different routes.


export default function Loader() {
return (


The layout.jsx file is used to define the default HTML layout for all pages under the given directory. This component will receive the app.jsx component as a children prop and the context ZubyPageContext object as a second prop.

The layout component is never built for the client and is only used to render the pages on the server and for local pre-rendering.

The app can have multiple layout templates for different routes, however this is not recommended and it can lead to problems with the client-side navigation.


export default function Layout({ children, context }) {
return (
<meta charset="UTF-8" />


The innerLayout.jsx file is used to define a component that wraps already rendered app component. The app can have multiple innerLayout templates for different routes, however this is not recommended. You should not change the innerLayout.jsx file unless you know what you are doing.


The entry.jsx file is used to define the main entry point for your app. The app can have only one entry template. You should not change the entry.jsx file unless you know what you are doing.