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Deploy Zuby.js

The following guide will help you to deploy your new Zuby.js app to well-known hosting providers or host it on your own server.

The server build is self-contained and can be deployed to any serverless hosting service that supports Node.js 18.x or higher runtime environment. The static build can be deployed to any static hosting service.

Continue by choosing one of the following options to learn how to host your new Zuby.js app:

Hosting providers

The following guide will help you to deploy your new Zuby.js app to below hosting providers:

  • Cloudflare Pages - Can be used to host apps built in static mode.
  • Edgio Sites - Can be used to host apps built in both static and server mode.
  • Gitlab Pages - Can be used to host apps built in static mode.
  • Github Pages - Can be used to host apps built in static mode.
  • AWS Amplify - Can be used to host apps built in both static and server mode.
  • Netlify - Can be used to host apps built in static mode.

Cloudflare Pages

Supported output: static
Free tier: Yes
Cloudflare Pages is a hosting service that can be used to host apps built in static mode. Follow the steps below to deploy your new Zuby.js app to Cloudflare Pages:

  1. If you don’t have a Cloudflare account, create one at
  2. Enter your project directory:
    Terminal window
    cd ./my-zuby-app
  3. Install Cloudflare Wrangler CLI:
    Terminal window
    npm install wrangler --save-dev
  4. Login to Cloudflare Wrangler CLI:
    Terminal window
    npx wrangler login
  5. Create a new Cloudflare Pages project (for example with the name my-zuby-app):
    Terminal window
    npx wrangler pages project create my-zuby-app
  6. Build your Zuby.js app:
    Terminal window
    npx zuby build
  7. Deploy your built app to Cloudflare Pages:
    Terminal window
    wrangler pages deploy "./build/client"
  8. That’s it! 🎉 Your app is now deployed to Cloudflare Pages. The Cloudflare Pages will automatically find the correct 404 error files in the build folder and use them. Learn more about Cloudflare Pages at

Edgio Sites

Supported output: static and server
Free tier: Yes
Edgio Sites is a hosting service that can be used to host apps built in both static and server mode. Follow the steps below to deploy your new Zuby.js app to Edgio Sites:

  1. If you don’t have an Edgio account, create one at

  2. Enter your project directory:

    Terminal window
    cd ./my-zuby-app
  3. Install Edgio CLI:

    Terminal window
    npm install @edgio/cli --save-dev
  4. Run the following command to login to Edgio CLI:

    Terminal window
    npx edgio login
  5. Add Edgio to your project:

    Terminal window
    npx edgio init
  6. Answer the questions asked by the wizard as shown below:

    Terminal window
    🚀 Let's get started with Edgio!
    ? What kind of project do you want to set up?
    > Edgio Sites (Web-app hosting)
    ? What is the build directory for server files of your app? (Leave blank if not applicable) ...
    > ./build
    ? What is the path of the entry file (relative to the build directory) of your app? (Leave blank if not applicable) ...
    > ./server.mjs
    ? What is the static files directory of your app? (Leave blank if not applicable) ...
    > ./build/client
    ? What is the environment variable name for the port your app server listens to? (Leave blank if not applicable) ...
    > PORT
    ? Please specify the build command (if available) ...
    > npx zuby build
    ? Please specify the dev server command (if available) ...
    > npx zuby dev
    ? Please specify a message or timeout value (in seconds) to wait until the dev server is ready ...
    > 60
  7. Build and deploy your app to Edgio Sites:

    Terminal window
    npx edgio deploy
  8. That’s it! 🎉 Your app is now deployed to Edgio Sites. Learn more about Edgio Sites at

Gitlab Pages

Supported output: static
Free tier: Yes
Gitlab Pages is a Git hosting service that can be also used to host Zuby.js app built in static mode. Follow the steps below to deploy your new Zuby.js app to Gitlab Pages:

  1. This guide assumes that you already have a Gitlab account and a repository with your Zuby.js app set up.
  2. Enter your project directory:
    Terminal window
    cd ./my-zuby-app
  3. Add .gitlab-ci.yml file to your project with the following content:
    # Use latest Node.js LTS image
    image: node:lts
    # Install all project dependencies
    - npm install
    # Cache node_modules to speed up next deploys
    - node_modules
    # Clean previous build from public folder
    - rm -rf public/*
    # Build your Zuby.js app
    - npx zuby build
    # Move static output to public folder
    - mv build/client/* public
    # Cleanup
    - rm -rf build
    - public
    # Trigger deploy on commit/merge to main branch only
  4. If you have a custom domain, go to your repository on Gitlab and navigate to Deploy > Pages section and connect it.
  5. If you don’t have a custom domain, you can use the default one from Gitlab and access your app at https://<your-username><your-repository-name>.
    However, in that case you need to set the base property in zuby.config.mjs to <your-repository-name>:
    import { defineConfig } from 'zuby';
    import preact from '@zubyjs/preact';
    export default defineConfig({
    outDir: 'build',
    base: 'my-zuby-app',
    jsx: preact(),
    See the GitLab Pages default domain names docs to learn more about the User, Group and Project Pages default domain names.
  6. Commit and push the changes to your repository main branch. This will trigger the CI pipeline, which will build and deploy your app to Gitlab Pages.
  7. Wait for the pipeline to finish.
  8. And that’s it! 🎉 Your app is now deployed to Gitlab Pages. Learn more about Gitlab Pages at

Github Pages

Supported output: static
Free tier: Yes
Github Pages is a Git hosting service that can be also used to host Zuby.js app built in static mode. Follow the steps below to deploy your new Zuby.js app to Gitlab Pages:

  1. This guide assumes that you already have a Github account and a repository with your Zuby.js app set up.
  2. Enter your project directory:
    Terminal window
    cd ./my-zuby-app
  3. Add .github/workflows/deploy.yml file to your project with the following content:
    name: Deploy Zuby.js to GitHub Pages
    # Run workflow only on push to main branch
    - main
    contents: read
    pages: write
    id-token: write
    group: "pages"
    cancel-in-progress: false
    # Build your app
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Checkout Repository
    uses: actions/checkout@v4
    - name: Setup Node
    uses: actions/setup-node@v4
    node-version: "14"
    - name: Install dependencies
    run: npm install
    - name: Build your Zuby.js app
    run: npx zuby build
    - name: Upload artifact
    uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v2
    path: ./build/client
    # Deploy your app
    name: github-pages
    url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: build
    - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
    id: deployment
    uses: actions/deploy-pages@v3
  4. Enable Github Pages. Go to your repository’s Settings tab. Click Pages in the sidebar Under Build and Deployment, select Github Actions as the source.
  5. If you have a custom domain, configure it on the same page.
  6. If you don’t have a custom domain, you can use the default one from Github and access your app at https://<your-username><your-repository-name>.
    However, in that case you need to set the base property in zuby.config.mjs to <your-repository-name>:
    import { defineConfig } from 'zuby';
    import preact from '@zubyjs/preact';
    export default defineConfig({
    outDir: 'build',
    base: 'my-zuby-app',
    jsx: preact(),
    See the Github Pages domains docs docs to learn more about Github Pages domains.
  7. Commit and push the changes to your repository main branch. This will trigger the CI pipeline, which will build and deploy your app to Github Pages.
  8. Wait for the pipeline to finish.
  9. And that’s it! 🎉 Your app is now deployed to Github Pages. Learn more about Github Pages at


Zuby.js app can be hosted on any server with Node.js 18.x or higher runtime environment using included Zuby.js server. This way of hosting supports both static and server output modes. Simply build your app and copy the ./build directory to your server.

To start the app, run the following command:

Terminal window
node ./build/server.js

The Zuby.js app is by default listening on interface and 3000 port. If you want to change the port or interface the app is listening on, you can do it by setting the PORT and HOST environment variables as follows:

Terminal window
HOST= PORT=3000 node ./build/server.js

To start the app automatically on system startup and crash, you can create init.d or systemd service depending on your system.

The following example shows how to create a systemd service for the app:

Terminal window
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/zuby.service
Description=My Zuby.js app
ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /my-zuby-app/build/server.mjs