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Install Zuby.js

Zuby.js is a simple framework for building JS apps that combines the best of the SPA and MPA worlds. The framework is designed to be simple and easy to use and supports both Preact and React. The following guide will help you to meet the Zuby.js framework and create your first app.


Zuby.js was built with Preact in mind, but it can be used with other frameworks. It integrates with JSX libraries through the JsxProvider interface. The following integrations are currently available:


Zuby.js requires below Node.js and NPM versions. If you don’t have Node.js installed on your device, please see the NVM guide how to install specific Node.js version on your device.

  • Node.js - 18.x or higher
  • NPM - 9.x or higher

1. Installation

You can set up new Zuby.js app easily with Zuby CLI wizard. Just run the following command and follow the instructions:

Terminal window
npx zuby init

Once the installation is complete, don’t forget to enter the directory of your new app:

Terminal window
cd ./my-zuby-app

And install all required dependencies:

npm install

And that’s it! 🎉

2. Development mode

To run your new example app in development mode, run the following command:

Terminal window
npx zuby dev

This command will start a local development server at Open this URL in your browser to see your new app. The key feature of development server is hot module reloading, that allows you to see your changes in the browser immediately after saving the file.

3. Production mode

To build your new example app for production, run the following command:

Terminal window
npx zuby build

This command will generate a production optimized build in the ./build directory. You can view the build locally by running:

Terminal window
npx zuby preview

This command will start a production server at where you can preview your build.

Congratulations! 🎉 You have successfully installed Zuby.js and created your first app. Now you can start building your own app or explore the framework by reading the documentation. Continue to next section to learn how to deploy your new app.